Propose a Theme

Common Curriculum Theme Proposal Form

For department/unit use only. Students may not propose themes. Please read all the guidelines at before completing this form.

The managing dept/unit is responsible for maintaining the theme (i.e. communicating with affiliated depts/units regarding course availability and submitting necessary paperwork as appropriate.)
This is the person who will handle correspondence and paperwork on behalf of the managing department or unit.
Approval from Managing Department
Please provide the date that the managing department’s Courses and Curricula (C&C) committee approved this Theme.
Approval Date
Approvals from Departments Whose Courses are Included
Please provide the date that other departments/units represented in this Theme approved the use of their course(s). Courses that are cross-listed need approvals from all departments with the cross-list.
Approval Date
Provide a catalog-appropriate title that adequately describes the content of the Theme without being overly long. We recommend no more than seven words.
Explain why this Theme was created or how the courses were chosen. For example, is the Theme intended to steer students toward a minor? Does the Theme coincide with a major track? Is the Theme intended to develop a particular set of skills, world views, or areas of knowledge? Etc.
This description should observe catalog copy best-practices by 1) providing a concise summary of the general topics covered in the Theme; 2) omitting narrative or background information; and 3) avoiding language that is promotional or overly creative.
Theme Courses
Use the “+” button to add at least three (3) and up to seven (7) courses.
Course #
Course Title
Reason for Inclusion
Indicate which courses in this theme are offered in Storrs and how often they are offered (e.g. Every semester, every Spring, once every two years, etc.) Example: COUR 1100 (every semester), EXAM 2310 (every Fall).
Course #
Avery Point
Indicate which courses in this theme are offered in Avery Point and how often they are offered (e.g. Every semester, every Spring, once every two years, etc.) Example: COUR 1100 (every semester), EXAM 2310 (every Fall).
Course #
Indicate which courses in this theme are offered in Hartford and how often they are offered (e.g. Every semester, every Spring, once every two years, etc.) Example: COUR 1100 (every semester), EXAM 2310 (every Fall).
Course #
Indicate which courses in this theme are offered in Stamford and how often they are offered (e.g. Every semester, every Spring, once every two years, etc.) Example: COUR 1100 (every semester), EXAM 2310 (every Fall).
Course #
Indicate which courses in this theme are offered in Waterbury and how often they are offered (e.g. Every semester, every Spring, once every two years, etc.) Example: COUR 1100 (every semester), EXAM 2310 (every Fall).
Course #
Please upload syllabi for each course on your list. Be sure that each syllabus aligns the course to its designated TOIs.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 250 MB, Max. files: 7.
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