Grant Competition for Course REVISIONS 2024-2025

Call for Proposals

The new Common Curriculum (CC) for Leadership and Global Citizenship will launch in Fall 2025, and we continue to support the transition of current courses (whether or not they fulfill general education) into the new CC Topics of Inquiry (TOIs). This grant will support the revision of existing courses for which departments were not able to seek funding the last round. (For details of the CC approval, please see the University Senate CCC+ page).

In recognition that transition efforts will be labor-heavy undertakings, the Provost’s Office has made funds available to departments and units to aid in this work. There will be two separate grants available this year, one for revising existing courses that will transition to TOIs, and one for proposing brand new courses that will carry a TOI. This CFP is for course REVISIONS, and it should be submitted on behalf of the department as a whole. (Please see the application for details on who can submit.)

In order to be considered for this funding, courses included in the application must:

  • Currently exist and carry a CA1, CA2, CA3/CA3-L, CA4/CA4-I, or EL designation, OR
  • Currently exist as a non-Gen Ed and plan to become part of the CC by adding a TOI

Courses listed in this application should be ones that need a significant amount of work in order to be revised from their current form/designation to a TOI. If a course will transition fairly easily with little revision, please do not include it.

NOTE: Courses that are only W or Q that will have no TOIs should not be included in this application. All courses proposed for this grant should carry one or two TOIs. The maximum number of TOIs a course can carry is two.

We highly encourage work on courses that:

  1. Serve large numbers of students,
  2. Are offered at multiple campuses, and/or
  3. Will fulfill the new TOI-1 Creativity: Design, Expression, Innovation area

Who Can Apply

Appropriate applicants may include the Department/Unit Head, Associate Head, Courses & Curriculum Chair, Department/Unit-specific Faculty Navigator, or any faculty member who has been assigned to oversee the transition of courses to the Common Curriculum. If you are the instructor of an individual course who would like to be considered for this funding, please talk to your Department/Unit Head or course transition designee and encourage them to apply for this funding on your behalf. For this particular funding pool, we cannot accept applications from individual instructors for single courses.

Proposal Requirements

Each application should include:

  • Thorough but concise answers to the questions in the application form (see supplied form to the right for technical guidelines and requirements)
  • An emailed statement of support (see template) from the department or unit head of each dept/unit involved (i.e. a course that is cross-listed with another department should have two statements of support, etc.). If the department head is the one submitting the proposal, no email is needed.

Due Date

Applications are due by 11:59pm on November 22, 2024.

Award Amount

  • Each Department/Unit may apply for funding between $1000 to $30,000 to help support course transition efforts. The cost should not exceed $5000 per course.
  • We assume that all funding will be applied toward summer salary for faculty who will be doing the work, so there is no longer a budget form for this grant. If a department would like to use part of the funding for something else, they should email for approval prior to submitting a grant application.
  • Please note, departments who receive an award are responsible for processing HR and Payroll paperwork for all summer salary.
  • Faculty covered under the grant have the option to transfer their part of the award to their faculty research accounts instead of it being used toward summer salary. Please note that – per HR – the award is not transferred to the account until the end of the grant period.


An electronic copy of the proposal should be sent to with the Subject Line “Course Revision Application - Provost’s Common Curriculum Grant.”

Requirements for Awarded Proposals

Departments who receive funding for their proposal will still need to submit Curriculum Action Request (CAR) forms and full syllabi for the course approval process. CARs must be submitted in the system by September 1, 2025.

Faculty who are working on courses are also required to attend an in-person Course Design and Development Retreat on May 14, 2025, and will be encouraged to avail themselves of other Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning resources in instructional design.


Submission Deadline – November 22, 2024
Awards announced – By the end of January 2025
Mandatory Course Design Retreat – May 14, 2025
Summer salary paid out to awardees – Summer 2025
Course Action Request forms submitted in the system – By September 1, 2025
Course fully approved by University Senate before February 5, 2026
Course taught for the first time – AY 26-27


Email Karen McDermott at or with any technical questions. For pedagogical questions, contact Pamela Bedore at

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Downloadable Proposal Template