
The General Education curriculum represents the combined ongoing efforts of hundreds of individuals. The following timeline is presented to illustrate the motivation and process through which faculty, staff, and student representatives came to propose an updated model for the Gen Ed curriculum, as well as a timeline for future adoption, roll out, and ongoing maintenance of this extensible, amendable, and evolving educational framework.

Fall 2005 – Implementation date of previous General Education holistic redesign.

2015-2016 – General Education Task Force conducted focus groups, surveys and reviews of the curricula of peer institutions.

December 5, 2016 – Senate approves the report’s call to:

  1. Do a better job of communicating the values and the importance of general education to all constituencies involved, including students, faculty and advisors; 
  2. Develop a single landing site webpage devoted to general education; 
  3. Restate the broad goals of general education with clearer and more forceful language; 
  4. Investigate further the possibility of changing the general education requirements; 
  5. Seek ways to address students’ desire for training in life skills, while clearly distinguishing such training from the mission of general education.
  6. Establish a governing body for assessment at the university level; 
  7. Provide additional support to faculty who teach general education courses, including TA support for large lectures and resources on how to teach general education courses.

May-June 2017 – A team of seven (Bedore, Blanchard, Burkey, Freake, Meacham, Schultz, Yahn) delivered an action plan developed as part of their attendance at the Association of American Colleges and University’s 2017 Institute on General Education and Assessment (Loyola University Chicago).

Curriculum plan called for UConn to:

  1. Propose cross-cutting themes towards a more integrative General Education curriculum;
  2. Increase opportunities for integration within the curriculum to progress towards a GE program in which students are more intentional about course selection and make explicit connections among experiences;
  3. Increase opportunities for student reflection to promote student awareness of the role that GE plays in their education and development as lifelong learners.

Communication Plan called for UConn to:

  1. Modify goals to clarify the purpose of the General Education curriculum;
  2. Identify and align learning outcomes and rubrics to close the gap between the stated goals of GE and the outcomes we expect from the General Education curriculum;
  3. Promote communication of goals and learning outcomes to underscore the value of General Education to students and faculty.

October 2, 2017 – Senate approves the formation of Delta GE working group.

Fall 2017 – Delta GE met six times, considering and working on:

  1. Governance, mission, and representation;
  2. The mapping of existing content area courses to cross-cutting themes (“strands” vs. “pathways” models);
  3. Benchmarking against other large institutions with strands or pathways;
  4. Other curricular changes: Fine Arts course inclusion and the Environmental Literacy requirement.

Spring 2018 – Delta GE met four times, considering and working on:

  1. Formation of three subgroups:
    Structure, Goals & Assessment, Communication & Outreach;
  2. An expanded set of curriculum models, considering how the structure and goals reflect the values of General Education;
  3. A general mission statement for General Education and comprehensive; 
  4. High-Impact Practices, including Service Learning; 
  5. Reported from members attending AAC&U’s 2018 conference on General Education and Assessment (15-17 February, Philadelphia PA).

    June 2018 – Stakeholder Retreat for those closely involved in the curriculum.

    Participants in the retreat included undergraduate students, advisors, members of GEOC, members of the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee, and other interested faculty. The retreat, which was professionally moderated by an outside party, featured several presentations including one from the Center for Career Development, as well as discussions on models being considered for curriculum structure and the goals being developed.

    Fall 2018 – Delta GE met six times, considering and working on:

    1. A general approach refined into a specific proposal;
    2. Alignment of the goals and learning outcomes with curricular components;
    3. A comprehensive review of the curricula of 38 peer and aspirant institutions; 
    4. Discussions with groups of faculty and staff (C&C, DH, and other ad hoc meetings) and review of the associated feedback.

    Spring 2019 – Delta GE met three times, considering and working on:

    1. Several members’ attendance of AAC&U’s Conference on General Education and Assessment (14-16 February, San Francisco CA) and a report on their findings;
    2. Preparation of final proposal, including:
      1. The structure of distributional requirements;
      2. Descriptions of topics and their learning outcomes;
    3. Finalizing surveys of faculty & staff, and students.

    April 29, 2019 – Senate passes motion to accept the vision of Delta GE and constitute Delta 2 GE to refine components of the proposed vision/framework and to prepare an implementation plan, with more specific guidelines for faculty representation from each school/college and student representation. 

    Fall 2019 – Delta 2 GE met 6 times, considering the framework approved by the Senate and working on:

    1. Updating all members of the Taskforce on work accomplished over the past year;
    2. Reviewing the framework, its assumptions and epistemological foundations, and the need to clarify the Topics of Inquiry;
    3. Reviewing formal requests from faculty in the University community for two additional topics or competencies (Dialogue, Antiracism);
    4. Actively seeking feedback from university community;
    5. Discussing ways to integrate suggestions from university community;
    6. Forming working groups (Communications, Integration, Depth and Focus);
    7. Creating a working group for each Topic of Inquiry.

    Spring 2020 – Delta 2 GE met 8 times, considering and working on:

    1. Finalizing Integration requirement;
    2. Finalizing Breadth and Focus description;
    3. Continued review of formal requests from faculty in the University community for two additional topics or competencies (Dialogue, Antiracism);
    4. Preparing logo for new curriculum; 
    5. Preparing communication plan;
    6. Refining Topics of Inquiry;
    7. Creating a Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion working group to refine Social Justice and Cultural Foundations Topics of Inquiry;
    8. Attempting to disseminate the framework (delayed due to the onset of the Pandemic).

    Fall 2020 – Delta 2 GE met 8 times, considering and working on:

    1. Refining JEDI Topics of Inquiry;
    2. Focus groups on JEDI topics (2 faculty focus groups, 1 student focus group);
    3. Continued review of formal requests from faculty in the University community for two additional topics or competencies (Dialogue, Antiracism);
    4. Meeting with Social Justice Institute Directors;
    5. Meeting with USG;
    6. Preparing Communication strategies;
    7. Preparing budget plan for Senate Budget Committee;
    8. Meetings with University Communications to plan dissemination of framework and ways to actively seek feedback.

    Spring 2021 – Delta 2 GE is scheduled to meet 7 times, considering and working on:

    1. Developing and constructing a dedicated Delta website;
    2. Disseminating framework;
    3. Continuing to seek feedback;
    4. Analyzing feedback and discussing best ways to integrate it;
    5. Continued review of formal requests from faculty in the University community for two additional topics or competencies (Dialogue, Antiracism);
    6. Executing communication plan: focus groups, feedback through website, attending meetings;
    7. Finalizing all aspects of framework;
    8. Preparing proposal for the Senate.

    Summer/Fall 2021 – Senate Budget Committee (UBC) assesses the proposal's financial impact.

    Fall 2021Spring 2022

     Delta2GE drafts by-law changes and implementation document – forward to Senate C&C
     Implementation document to include timeline, TOIs and details of TOIs
     Senate C&C then owns the documents
     Prepares and votes on motions that will go to Senate
     Senate UBC prepares report on the fiscal impact of the new program
     Chairs of Delta2GE, UBC and SEC meet with Provost to review the fiscal impact report
     Discussion and negotiations with Provost
     Provost must have a clear & precise position on funding
     Senate C&C submits motions to the SEC
     SEC to determine date and agenda for presentation to Senate – special meeting(s)?
     Presentation to Senate
     Fiscal impact report presented by Senate UBC
     Implementation motion presented by Senate C&C or designee, likely Delta2GE co-chairs.
     If the implementation motion is passed, a motion to amend Senate General Education by-laws, rules, & regulations presented to Senate with vote to follow at future meeting
     If the implementation motion is rejected, the charge of the Delta2GE has been fulfilled but it may choose to bring another implementation plan or recommendation forward to Senate.

    The original charge: “The Senate C&C recommends acceptance of the Delta GenEd Task Force report and its vision/framework for a new curriculum, pending University Senate approval of a final implementation plan. The Senate C&C further recommends that the SEC empanel a Delta2GenEd Task Force in 2019/20 to refine components of the proposed vision/framework and to prepare an implementation plan.”

    Proposed Implementation Timeline (subject to amendment):

    Summer 2023 through Spring 2025 – Faculty Navigators work with departments to propose revisions to existing courses and proposals for new courses to align with the new Common Curriculum.

    Spring 2023 through Spring 2025 – Special expanded Common Curriculum Committee (CCC+) reviews catalog changes, provides feedback to proposers, and oversees the revision process.

    February 2024 - The last Senate meeting to approve Common Curriculum courses for inclusion in the 2025-26 Undergraduate Catalog.

    May 2024 – New Common Curriculum enters the 2025-26 Undergraduate Catalog.

    Fall 2026 – Special CCC+ review of first year with adjustments as indicated.

    Fall 2028 – CCC+ returns to normal size and review process.